"Thanks to the People & Businesses of West Berkshire..."
Every year I say it, and every year it’s truer than the last – The sheer out-pouring of kindness and generosity which we witness from everyone… from van loads of toys from large corporates to a pensioner dropping into our offices with £5 “for the kids”… leaves me speechless, humbled and, on more than a few occasions, a little emotional.
The size of even this publication sadly does not permit me to attempt to thank everyone individually, but I must offer a few special mentions: Newbury Weekly News and BW Print for helping spread the word; and a huge Thank you to The Furniture Project’s “Grotto” – don’t know how you do it… but I am ever so pleased you do!
The 2019 appeal reached more children than ever before, children from our towns, our villages, our streets, children from our community. This year, your giving made a very real and very emotional difference to more West Berkshire children’s Christmases than ever before – on their behalf, with all sincerity and from the bottoms of our hearts… Bless you and thank you.
This year’s appeal carries for us here at Swift a very special relevance – Sadly we lost our friend and colleague Louise Purton on the 23rd December after a long and valiant battle with cancer. Louise had been a director here since the loss of her partner and our founder, Steven Huntley, in 2011.
I would like to dedicate this year’s appeal to this very special lady; and I wish to announce that all future appeals will hence forth carry her name. The “Louise Purton” West Berkshire Toy Appeal will forever stand as testimony to the kindness, courage and fortitude which our friend displayed every day of her life and hopefully bring some seasonal comfort to the beloved family she leaves behind.
May I wish you and your families a happy, peaceful and healthy 2020
With sincerest thanks to you all.
Adrian Smith
CEO, Swift logistics Group
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