Swift’s wheel-y kind gift to the homeless…
We are delighted to announce our continued support for the homeless community of Newbury and West Berkshire through a formal partnership with Newbury Soup Kitchen which is a division of HAVEN (West Berkshire). Along with The Newbury Night Shelter, the Soup Kitchen has been our Berkshire Partnered Christmas Charity for the past two years. It receives funding and support to the value previously allocated by the Group to seasonal corporate gifts and Christmas cards.
Adrian Smith, Group CEO explains “During a recent strategy meeting with Meryl and her team, the need for a mobile kitchen to support the Thursday night static operation at Newbury Wharf on Saturdays was discussed, and being the south of England’s largest independent courier fleet - we had the perfect solution!”
Meryl Praill – Founder and Lead Volunteer at Newbury Soup Kitchen said "The Thursday night operation– offering a central point for meeting, health and welfare guidance & support for our Area’s Homeless and In-Crisis community – is absolutely central and key to addressing this need in Newbury, and we are working with a number of Charities, Trusts and statutory organisations in an effort to expand this operation to 5/7 days a week in the near future."
"However, the ability to respond at short notice to instances of poor and cold weather in key locations has been highlighted and with Swift’s kind support - and experience with rapid response to critical demands - we now have a vehicle which can offer such response and also service pre-scheduled meeting points to distribute hot food, clothing or just a supportive kind word."
Adrian Smith outlines his organisation’s corporate community-support policy. “It’s not really a policy, it’s just recognising, as an organisation which draws clients and resource from the local community – we have a duty of care – a wider responsibility - to offer support and care to that community, and we encourage the area’s corporates to do the same – it’s not a crusade or religiously driven, it’s the right thing to do, it’s good for the longevity of business and it feels good!”
If you would like to make a donation to Newbury Soup Kitchen, please visit newburysoupkitchen.org.uk
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